You won’t believe it and a miracle is needed

It is almost unbelievable what happened today.

As alot of you know I released my first fabric range this year and was expecting the delivery of my advanced yardage weeks ago to get all of my new designs made for fall market next weekend in Houston.

Well, there was a little issue at the mill and I waited and waited and still nothing came. So I decided I needed to have a plan B which i put into quick action.

Friday afternoon I received a phone call from the mill in Korea to say that my fabric would be hand delivered to me on Sunday morning at 7am at Brisbane airport could I be there to pick it up. Now that meant leaving home at 5am. Sure no problem. I would be there.

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I could hardly believe my ears. Well this morning at 7:00am I stood waiting at the airport for my delivery.

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Mr Jun Jang flew in all the way from Korea especially to get me my fabric in time to make something for Fall Market.

Yes I had 3/4 of Sunday, Monday and Tuesday only to fly out on Wednesday.

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I am not one to be defeated so here it is my parcel of fabric with my name on the selvedge.

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Off we went home to start on my new quilts.

Oh yes Mr Jun was getting on the return flight back to Korea.

This is where my family kicked in. They knew my back was to the wall and so they all gave up their Sunday to pitch in and help.

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Number 2 son Corey. Cutting and gluing papers. BTW he arrived home last night after driving clear across the country over 4000klms.

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Shannon my daughter stitching as fast as she could

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Son in law extraordinaire Greg sewing and catching a movie.

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Jim was on folding fabric, food, coffee and general cleaning up after all of us.

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Even Ralphy the dog got involved for a minute or two.

What a team. Thankyou to my family. You have no idea how much that meant to me.

So it is now almost 9.30 everyone has headed home. We have half finished 2 quilts. They will be finished tomorrow except for the quilting.

This is where I need another miracle. I am looking for someone who lives on The Sunshine Coast that just might just be able to quilt a quilt for me on Tuesday. I know it's a long shot but hey after what happened this morning anything is possible.

If you know someone please email me on or call me on 5449 1936 after 8am tomorrow.

Well I am off to clean up and sort out so I can get back into it tomorrow.

Stay safe


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