The friends that you make through Patchwork

You may remember me talking about a group of ladies that joined us for a retreat in September.

You know the really organised ones with the matching black bags


When they were leaving the retreat they invited all the girls that were working for me that week (which all happen to be patchworkers) and myself  to their neck of the woods for a day out.

So last week we headed off for the most wonderful day.

I haven’t laughed so much in a very long time.

They organised an absolutely wonderful day for us. Show and tell was amazing. The food was very, very yummy and they made us all a special gift.

What more could you want. I know that you will all be reading this so thankyou girls we are still laughing.

Here they are opening their little gifts we gave them


We have arranged another get together in February and this time we are meeting half way and Leslie from Faeries in my garden at Shorncliffe is kindly allowing us to use her shop as the meeting place.

She may be sorry when the 10 of us converge on her for the day

We are so looking forward to it.

Last week also saw alot of surprises arrive in my mail box.

Don’t you just love getting presents in the mail. I sure do, I feel like a little kid.

My stitcher’s angel gift arrived Thankyou viki There were lollies as well but guess what? They are gone.


I had other angel presents arrive also but I don’t know who they are from

I guess I will know soon enough

It is a lovely Guritno mug and some little hearts that I am going to hang on the wall


I also received a gift from Cheryl at Willowberry designs just for leaving a comment about how I have been obssessed with using ugly fabric lately.

Thankyou Cheryl.


My son Ryan paid us a fleeting visit from Germany for the weekend and it was lovely to have him home even if it was only for 2 nights.

Today is my last teaching day for the year. I have huge teaching commitments organised for next year so I had better make the most of my time getting new quilts made.

Tonight is the Twilight markets in Eumundi the first for the summer. It is a great time for us to catch up with our friends and enjoy some good food and some down time.

Till next time

Sue x x x

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