It is that time of the year again when here at Busyfingers we like to offer some Christmas specials. So the girls in the office came up with:


You will have to go to the website on Wednesday to see what we have for you.

I guess that you may have been wondering what I have been up to seeing as I have been a bit slack with my blog posting.

(Apart from the fact that I am still learning how to use this MAC. I am getting better I must admit.)

I can tell you LOTS and LOTS of stuff.

As everything gets finished I will certainly be letting you know everything.

New things in all different areas it is very exciting but oh so much fun organising it all.

I have however re released a pattern from one of my older books that is now out of print.

"Gathering Pieces" It comes with all of the pre cut paper shapes and templates.

It is a such fun quilt to make.

Well it is time to get organised for the day ahead.



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