Returning Home & My New Fabric Range

You know that feeling you have when you get home from a big overseas trip? You feel fulfilled, inspired but generally exhausted! And all you wanna do is relax and take it all in. Well that is never the case here at the Busy Fingers Studio. I have returned home from my European Tour and we are all off and racing again, busying our fingers…..because…my new Fabric Range has arrived! HOORAY!


This is my new Twig & Grace Range for Riley Blake Designs. Available for pre-orders only at Millhouse Collections.

I couldn’t wait to create with my new fabrics so me and the team gets busy. Shannon and Corey are cutting away.


Greg is gluing and gluing.


I am sewing and Corey is ironing, what a production line!


But with creative progress comes great mess. This is the aftermath of creating 2 Quilts in 3 Days. WOW.


Taa daa one quilt is finished and ready to go to the quilter. That’s one down and one to go.


We even managed to make a beautiful cushion and a sweet little bag.

We can’t wait to share my new fabric range Twig & Grace with you all. We are taking wholesale pre-orders now.

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