Reasons why you should clean your machine.

  • When you want to sew at 2am it won't make a clunking sound and wake up your husband
  • It runs like a dream and the bobbin case doesn't jump out to greet you everytime you sit down to sew.
  • Because I just don't have the time to go and buy a new one.

Just a couple of reasons and very good ones at that.

I have been so busy with all that goes on here I have neglected to clean my machine.

Of course I am always telling everyone else to clean theirs.

My machine was running so badly I just knew it was time to buy a new one but I just haven't got the time at the moment to go looking.

WEEEEELLL???? Maybe I should give it a clean I thought.

I thought right.

 I could have made a small stuffed animal out of what came out of the bobbin area alone.

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OMG It runs like a dream now. Just like a new one. I am so ashamed but all is good now.

So the moral of the story is never be too busy to clean your sewing machine.

Till next time


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