Organising pre cut paper shapes in my studio.

A question I get asked alot is.

How do you organise your pre cut paper shapes?

Well here it is. I have to admit it had all become a little bit unruly as of late so I dragged them all out and tidied them all up.

(They all want to go visiting each other. How does that happen)

I have all these little plastic drawers that I purchased from Bunnings.

Depending on the sizes of the papers some of the draws share with a friend.

They are all labelled in alphabetical order so they are easily found. The accompanying acrylic templates are kept in the drawers as well.

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I dragged them all out of the studio and sorted them out. (A Sunday afternoon job as you do)

Printed up some new labels for the fronts of the drawers and proceeded to stick them all on.

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Just like magic here they all are back in back the cupboard all neat and tidy ready for me to mess them all up again.

I love storage ideas do you?

Till next time.


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