Look what I made

Last week Lynette Anderson and I decided to go out for lunch as we do on occasions. Business meetings we call them. Lots of catching up and chatting over good food and beautiful surroundings.

We had both decided on ordering the same dish and it was so good I just had to go home and re create it.

A few changes here and there and VOILA!!!!!

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King prawns in tempura batter sitting on top of a cooked whole banana sliced open and surrounded by mango and sweet chilli puree and accompanied by a Caesar salad.

OMG It was delicious. It was almost the same except I added the mango and sweet chilli puree instead of what  we had at the restaurant and a caesar salad instead of pear, parmesan and rocket salad.

A dish I will certainly be making again soon.

More savings to be had on the website with the "12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS"  Sale

Stay safe


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