It was time.

Time for what you say.

It was time to just go out and buy a new sewing machine.

So I did just that.

Phone pictures 831
My machine of choice is a Pfaff.

As you all know most of my quilts are hand done. However, I do sew them together with a machine.

I am always in a hurry so changing to the walking foot used to drive me nuts so it was time for the dual feed.

Changing the foot on my machine was like changing the lead in my pencil until Sewline got really clever and decided to come up with the Trio pencil which has been out for a number of years now and one of my favourite notions.

So now I am one happy little camper. No changing to the walking foot on my machine and no having to swap colours in my pencil.

What more could a girl ask for???  :)  More diamonds Maaaaaybee????????

Stay safe


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