Heading to Europe for April

On wednesday I take off for a teaching trip for almost a month.

Barcelona in Spain is my first port of call where I will have classes to teach some wonderful shop owners for 2 days. A quick flight over to Madrid in Spain for another 2 days and again some more shop owners eager to learn the tips and techniques of my method of English Paper piecing.


Then we fly up to Tonsberg in Norway where Asne at Quiltefryd is already set to go with 3 days of teaching and a trunk show. I just love Norway and love it more everytime I get the opportunity to visit. 

In my Garden
One of the classes will be "In my garden"

I also have a couple of exciting things organised while I am there but I will share them with you when I get back.

Another quick flight up to Trondheim to Siw at Quiltegarden where I will be doing 4 classes and a trunk show.

One Day at a Time_Prairie Rose

Another class will be "One day at a time"

From there I fly down to Harelbeke in Belgium to Sabine's Patchwork Studio"


My Lancaster quilt will be one of the projects

Just a couple of hours drive away and we will be in Karlesruhe where there will be a Quilt show. This year they will be featuring some of my quilts. What an honour for me. I am very excited.

Evy and Petra from Quilters Palet will be there as a vendor and they will have lots of my patterns, books and accessories for sale. I will be on the booth when I am not teaching so stop by and say hello.

It Takes two

Desert Sun

I will also be teaching for the 3 days at the show.

Gosh I am exhausted typing all of that and it does sound like a lot BUT as I always say if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life. It never ever feels like work for me.

Stay safe


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