Happy New Year

Christmas has come and gone and the New Year is upon us once again.

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We have had a wonderful Christmas break with all of the family home. It was like having small children in the house again. Everyone being together for the first time in a long time. Presents everywhere.

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Stockings were filled except for 1. Can you see the sad face. Did they forget me??????

Then on Christmas Eve it was secretly filled.

They all know I am hopeless and that I feel all the presents and give them a shake so they don't let me near them.

You will never guess what I got??????

This year we all drew a name out of the hat to choose who we were buying for and I scored one of my boys. A fairly big chance that would happen seeing as I have 3 of them and one girl.

To my surprise I found all of these little boxes all wrapped separately.

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OMG. Each one had a diamond in it.

Pink ones (my favourite)

Champagne ones

and white ones.

They will be made into something very special very soon.

There were lots of other special gifts too.

I hope that you all have a great day with family and friends.

Sunday night (Tomorrow) I will be drawing the winner for a copy of my new book so make sure you leave a message to be in the running.

Have a great New Years Eve and stay safe.


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