A Weekend at Hetties

I know it has been a long time since I was here but I hope you can forgive me. Life, work and creativity have all played a part in keeping me from sharing with you all.

I hope the New Year has found you all well.

Thankyou to all of the people who have checked in to make sure I am OK. That was really nice of you.

I have some really exciting things happening this year so stay tuned as you just might want to be a part of the fun.

I would just like to let you know of a great weekend coming up at Hetties Patch in South Australia. Phone: 08 83460548

The Dates: Feb 28, Mar 1 & 2

It is going to be fantastic. I will be meeting up with the crazy fun Crows from The Quilted Crow in Hobart to bring you an amazing 3 day weekend of sewing and creating.

Each of us have 2 small projects you can choose from and there will also be a collaborative quilt on one day where you will get the 3 of us teaching in the one room. These are great classes and always lots of fun.

One of my small projects is called “Time for a Noticeboard”

In this class you can make it the same as mine or you can get creative and make it your own.

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Project No. 2 is a cute as a button little clamshell purse made with our little 1″ clamshells


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The collaborative quilt is still under construction but I know Lorraine has some sneak peeks for you to look at. It is a combination of English Paper Piecing. Wool appliqué and some machine piecing. The sample is made from my last range of fabric “A French Courtyard”

I hope to see you there.

I promise I will be back more frequently in blogland with my schedule for 2014.

Take care

Sue Daley Blog

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