Preparing for Europe

So today, the day before I head off to Europe we took delivery of 2 new wizz bang photocopiers. Why today. In fact no day is ever a good day for things like this to happen because it interrupts so many things.So to compensate, some of us started at 6am this morning to get ready for the arrival.

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I am here to tell you It looked like a copy shop.

So it was out with the old

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And in with the new

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Twins. Just the thing to cope with the huge amount of printing that goes on here at PWBF.

And if that was not all, these also arrived. 2 Mac book pros.

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Ordinarily I would have been so excited but it was just another job to add to the ever growing list of things to do before tomorrow.

Oh yes and then there was Sam. Sam is our Graphics girl extraordinaire. She is supporting a beautiful new ring now that she is engaged to Chris. Congratulations Sam.

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Yep it is all happening here. I can sleep on the plane tomorrow right???????

First stop Switzerland. Astrid's shop Cotton and Color.

Till next time


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