A trip to the Zoo

After a huge couple of months we decided to take an R&R day and head off to the zoo.

Taronga Park Zoo is set on the most beautiful piece of Real Estate in Sydney.

We passed the Harbour Bridge on the ferry trip over. It was such a beautiful day.

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Finally we arrived and there were a few surprises waiting for me on the other side. One of my boys had arranged for us to have a few animal encounters. That means get up close and personal with some of them.

How exciting. So long as it wasn't snakes.

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The Chair lift up looking back over the harbour and the elephant enclosure.

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One of the encounters was with an owl.

The bird show was fabulous and the very talented Brendan had us all amazed at what you can actually teach a bird to do.

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Who wouldn't want an encounter with a Koala. We were lucky as he was actually awake. So considering they sleep about 22 hours a day we were in fact able to see him moving around just a little.They are just so cute.

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This cheeky fellow was watching his family playing on the swing.

The other encounters were with the Giraffes and the seals. I will have photos of those later.

We had a wonderful day. Thanks Kids.

Then it was back on the plane to head home.

Till next time



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